What is Roblox?

What is Roblox?

Roblox,Roblox game,about Roblox

A lot when he hears about Roblox, he thinks that it is a single game, while in fact Roblox is a group of fifty million games, and Roblox consists of games that the user can control, and they are not just videos .

Roblox is designed for children and adults, where the age of players ranges from eight to twenty-five years, where through the game each player can create his own character and choose his clothes and character, and the game records about thirty million players per month.

One of the most important features of the game is that a group of friends can be formed through it, and it is also possible to play with friends, relatives and brothers, as these games are group, and the application can be downloaded through smart phones, and from the store for downloading games.

Description of the game Roblox

Roblox is a platform very similar to the YouTube platform, but the difference between them is that these games are a community of players, and a huge library of games is enlarged, while YouTube is videos, but it is considered similar to it in terms of content density and the density of players.

After downloading the application, users can browse through a large list of games and test the ones that suit them among that large list.

This massive platform gives a set of features, including chatting and talking with friends while playing, which makes it attractive and attracts many users.

How many roblox users are kids

Roblox announced that the number of its users reaches 100 million players, and that number of children and adults, as the games are suitable for all ages, especially since there is in the list of games what is suitable for children alone.

The famous gaming platform also announced that 40 percent of the 100 million players are girls, as the games are suitable for all groups and ages.

Studies have proven that in the United Kingdom alone there are a million and a half children playing Roblox, which was conducted by the research company Kids Insights, and it also indicated that this study was conducted over a year, a swab was made on 20,000 children from the United Kingdom.

Studies show that 24% of children between the ages of ten and twelve play Roblox, and the same study indicated that 13% of children use the Tik Tok program for creating short video content, and 20% use Snapchat, in that 25 % use the Instagram program to publish photos and videos, and 43% use YouTube, especially since the same study proved that 19% of children use the cbbc game, which makes Roblox in the lead among the most important applications in the children's community.

Why is ROBLOX so popular

Roblox games are very popular, and they are very popular among the gamer community, as Craig Donato, CEO of the Roblox games company, said, “Our company does not do marketing for itself at all. This is by inviting their friends to play together and participate in the entertainment.”

One of the main reasons for attracting users is the ability to watch others play through the YouTube application, as Roblox is considered a very distinctive and natural phenomenon, according to Craig Donato's statements.

Craig Donato, when he asked about the reason for the popularity of Roblox, says that in the past, when he came back from school, he used his bike and went to exercise, but now the reality is very different, as it became difficult for children to go out and have fun with their friends.

Also, the application does not depend on winning and losing, while the main goal is to form social relationships of a special style, entertainment is the greatest means of gathering people, and one of the most important reasons for the attraction of application is the void in children and the lack of space for fun in groups and clubs as it was in the past due to the spread of diseases.

How to make games from roblox app

Through the Roblox application, games can be made, and it is an exciting experience for users, as Roblox has stated that it has more than 2 million creators, and this percentage represents about 2% of Roblox players.

The application enables many children to create simple games and create chat rooms, including entertainment with their friends, and these are the child's utmost aspirations, which make him feel comfortable and happy.

The danger of the game Roblox

The Roblox game itself, does not represent any danger, and does not incite violence or hatred, as all games are completely safe for children and adults, while here one or two games contain violence and the use of intelligence and strength together, but the risk factor is that the game is online, where :

It is possible to identify undesirable people who are not fit for friendship, and it is also possible to identify between young men and girls in an inappropriate way in our eastern society.

The idea of ​​filming the game and publishing it on YouTube, can put in the same defeated a grudge and spread a hostile spirit, as the main source of promoting the game is YouTube and the clips of the players, especially that the most watched on YouTube regarding the game, how to become a professional in the game Roblox .

There are some simple games in Roblox that can incite violence, and this may be imitated in the children's community in schools, if parents do not monitor their children.

Parents protect their kids from ROBLOX

It has been warned by the security authorities that parents should monitor children when playing games like Roblox , as it allows the sharing of chat and voice chat, by preventing the community of strangers, and their participation in playing with their children, or through their known friends, brothers or relatives.

Parental Controls for Roblox Users

You must ensure that the child is registered with his real birth date, to help the application enforce the safety and security controls for the user.

If the child is in childhood or adolescence, the application will require registration from the parents, in order for the child's activity on the application to be recognized with the consent of the guardian.

In order to secure the child's account, the following must be followed:

  • Login to roblox.
  • Click on the play icon at the top right.
  • Settings are selected.
  • From the settings, choose Security.
  • Account restriction is selected from the toolbar.

Monitor children's account on roblox

There are many ways in which children can be monitored, which are:

  • Through the application, you can see the chat histories of the site.
  • All private messages can be saved and viewed by parents.
  • Friends and followers can be seen by participants.
  • Clarify the transaction history for families and parents, showing the games that the child has downloaded.
  • The app shows recently played games.

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