What is the game “Paintball” and its rules?

What is the game “Paintball” and its rules?

Paintball game , Paintball rules

What is Paintball?

Paintball is an exciting team sport that is very popular, more and more people are trying paintball with excitement. In Paintball, two teams usually play against each other and shoot paintballs against each other which are fired from air pistols. Anyone who hits a ball must therefore” It is marked “Leave the field.” This is why the paintball gun is also called “Tag.” Paintball is a team tactical sport that originated in America. The sport has evolved over time and today tournaments and league matches are held regularly.

Paintball has become a popular hobby for many people for a reason, it is so much fun and promotes teamwork, paintball players have a lot of appreciation for their teammates, that is why it is also recommended as a team building measure, playing paintball is also a great distraction from life And thus helps reduce stress, you focus on what is happening in the field and ignore everything else.

You can find paintball courts in many large cities in Germany, for example, paintball is very popular in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne and Munich, depending on which system you play with, you can play paintball indoors or outdoors, each field is different of paintball fields and thus offers a variety of options, leading many hobby players across the country to play in a variety of fields.

Each field has different cover options. Maturity, Streams, Barrels, and similar cover options are spread over the entire field, depending on the type of mode you're playing, the fields also vary.

Tips for Getting Started Right in Paintball

The right way to start paintball

  • Learning Paintball works on the principle of “learning by doing”.
  • With each game you become more experienced and get to know technology better.
  • However, you shouldn't start without an outline.
  • The first time you have to play paintball in a club or club where you will receive a briefing.
  • This is usually done by an experienced coach or paintball player.
  • You will learn how to hold and fire a rifle, how to shoot properly, and how to act with integrity in the field.

If you have the conditions at home and the right equipment, you can teach yourself to play paintball yourself, however, it may happen that you hold the weapon incorrectly and therefore constrain your movements and shooting, the coach or an experienced team member can draw your attention to this.

Correct paintball pose

  • When handling it, you must make sure that you always hold the weapon in both hands.
  • One hand grabs the trigger ("trigger hand") and the other is the barrel.
  • Instead of holding the end of the weapon over your shoulder, keep applying pressure to your shoulder.
  • Otherwise, it will automatically fall into the hollow back and you can only move to a limited extent.
  • You cannot then pull the trigger freely.
  • You strike the paintball gun with your hand resting against the barrel against your shoulder so that it remains at chest level when you don't have the trigger hand on the marker.
  • The manual trigger is not only used for shooting, but also helps with stability.
  • A complete paint gun can be very heavy.
  • Keep your elbows as close to your body as possible, but so that you can comfortably grip the tag.
  • Otherwise, your arm can see from behind the hood and your opponent can see you more easily.

paintball target

  • As a beginner, you will likely need to get used to shooting with a marker first.
  • Paintballs fly in an arc instead of straight. They are heavier than regular bullets.
  • Therefore, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the feel of the shot before the first round and paintball pistol test.
  • Depending on the model, the path can also be different.

It is better to shoot at the opponent's neck, when the balls fly in an arc, they hit the upper body, there you have the largest target area and the ball does not particularly hurt its effect, if you want to hit an opponent who is running, aim in front of him in the direction he is going.

play fair

  • Paintball can be dangerous in certain circumstances.
  • Therefore, you should know how to behave in this area.
  • Never aim for the head.
  • A blow to the head can be painful despite the protective mask, and therefore does not count.
  • Don't shoot too close, these hits can be very painful too.
  • This is why the "muschak" rule applies to many paintball formulations.
  • You can say "I caught you!" Say if you are behind a direct deduction and payment is out of the question due to regulations.
  • If you can do this with an opponent, it will be considered a forfeit.

If you get hit by a bullet, you are eliminated from the round, then you have to leave the field as soon as possible so that the round continues without interference, be fair and do not flinch, it is better to raise your hands so that everyone knows you are outside.

Paintball rules

There are different game modes in Paintball:

Before the first round of paintball, you can prepare for it at home, for example, you can learn the rules, there are rules that are the same for each game and others that change depending on the paintball facility or the situation of the game, the basic rules for each field are, for example:

  1. Never take off your mask in the field
  2. Only unlock the weapon when you are in the field and the round begins
  3. Leave the field as soon as you are injured
  4. For example, the minimum distance between a player and a player in order to kill could be a list that the paintball club makes for themselves.

In addition to the rules, you can also learn about the different game modes:


Deathmatch is the most classic alternative to paintball, two teams compete against each other and the team with the most deaths wins, each team has its own colorful ammo.

Hold the flag

“Capture the Flag” means “Capture the Flag”, in this mode also, two teams play against each other, but the win mode is completely different, each team has a base to put the flag on, to win, your team must bring the opponent’s flag to their base.

Free for All

In “Free for All”, everyone plays against everyone, there are no teams, the last person on the field wins.

Fort Assault

In Fort Assault or Fortress Assault, one group defends a fixed area while the other team must take the area. Attackers win when they take down all defenders, since defenders usually have a defensive advantage with cover in this situation, they only have one life. However, attackers can restart whenever possible, if they are hit by a defender once, they leave the field They wash off the paint and can participate in the round again, if time runs out and the castle remains, the defenders win.

Paintball Mistakes

Playing colors is a completely new experience for many, accordingly, many make the same mistakes.

stay in one place

  • Keep moving.
  • Those who stay in one place throughout the game are often dropped early.
  • Your opponents pay attention to where and from which direction you are shooting.
  • This way, they quickly know where you are and you can be surprised at what killing can mean when playing paintball.

Playing in one team

  • As in nearly every team game, communication is very important in paintball.
  • Talk to your teammates before the match and it's best to strategize.
  • Try to keep in touch during the game, for example by raising hands and, if necessary, using code words. As you speak, remember that your opponents can hear you, too.

Not testing the weapon 

  • When choosing a tag, you need to make sure that you can aim it well and that you can handle its firing mechanisms.
  • Test the range and shoot at a stable target to test the weapon.
  • Also practice reloading and running with a gun so you are ready for as many situations as possible.

Not loading ammo

  • Ammo in the paintball round is limited.
  • Therefore, you should always keep in mind the number of shots you have.
  • Consider goals and not just the excitement of going for them.

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