What are the areas of use of the robot

What are the areas of use of the robot

the robot,using of the robot

The areas of use of the robot are

  • Industry.
  • Agriculture.
  • space exploration.
  • military actions.
  • education.

A robot is defined as a machine that works by programming to carry out a task, but each robot has a different level of manufacturing and the tasks required of it, and those levels range from one robot to another depending on human control. Approximately 90% of robots in the field of car assembly work in welding cars or repairing certain parts, using their mechanical arms.

Today, we see them on the ground carrying out multiple tasks in various fields, such as rescue missions and facilitating surgical procedures. It is no longer just science fiction, and perhaps the common feature of all robots is to facilitate tasks for humans, and to improve daily life thanks to its technological development, yet it is like any technology as it has many From the positives, it also has some negatives, so it is necessary to learn how to use it properly, and to understand its function and way of working.

Industry: Robots are commonly involved in industrial tasks, especially in the automotive industry, where they move heavy metal parts and assemble, disassemble, melt or weld parts of cars. things and many more. Certainly, the robot performs all previous industrial tasks more accurately and faster than humans.

Agriculture: Agriculture depends on different seasonal conditions, as well as the optimal agricultural soil, and other tasks that some consider a waste of the farmer’s time. For farmers to be more efficient.

Education: Robots have spread in the field of education on a large scale because they can work in many fields such as mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, technology, and others..., depending on the method of games, which makes them fun and good in communicating information to students without complication.

Military Affairs: It is not surprising to find robots in the military field as well because of their high efficiency, as they can be used in many military applications, for example they can be used as drones to monitor the enemy, as well as interference as an armed means to attack the enemy or as a means of medical care for friendly forces, and it is worth It is noteworthy that this type of robots is equipped with tear gas and laser mechanisms to confuse enemies, as well as grenade launchers, some of which contain spy cameras.

Space exploration: Space holds a large amount of mystery, which poses some danger to astronauts, for example, the human being cannot remain on the surface of Mars for a long period of up to 24 hours in order to take some soil samples, or even stay outside for repairs. The spacecraft malfunctions, so the robot in those cases is the best option to avoid endangering the astronauts.

Areas of robot use in real life

  • Home Business.
  • Medicine.

Housework: The robot is no longer a science fiction theatrical show, but has become a part of our present today and tomorrow, as robots intervene in most household chores, making daily tasks smoother. There are types of robots used in trimming the lawn of the garden, cleaning the pool and other windows of the house and clothing.

Medicine: Robots play a wonderful role in the field of health care, starting with the tasks of diagnosing and treating, or even helping patients, as these types of robots are characterized by the speed of diagnosis, data collection and linking all information together, and others provide a very capable performance that exceeds the performance of the doctor in accuracy and focus. Therefore, the role of these robots is very useful in some surgical operations, on the other hand, we find some types of robots responsible for helping the elderly and people with special needs to move.

types of robots

  • Pre-programmed robots.
  • Autonomous robots.
  • remote control robots.
  • redundant robots.

Pre-programmed robots: Pre-programmed robots do not need a large number of artificial control systems, which is the most widespread quality compared to other types, and its spread appears specifically in the field of assembly and the automotive industry , and there are of the same quality, but it is not included in the automotive industry, but rather enters the field of Medicine in terms of medical care and assisting doctors in surgeries and others.

Autonomous robots: These types of robots operate independently without human control, so they are not subject to human control and control like other pre-programmed robots, because their primary task is to detect what is happening in the environment from changes, and how to adapt to them, no human intervention is required And manipulation of the systems of these robots, and it is worth noting that this type is included in the industrial process, such as making them in the form of devices that contribute to the work of the house.

Remote-controlled robots: These robots are one of the most important types of remote-controlled robots by humans, including underwater robots that helped repair oil leaks before, and others in the form of robotic arms in the space shuttle.

Redundant robots: These robots are distinguished by their direct contact with the human user’s body, through the robotic arm and the user’s holding the control tool in his hands, or even by touching that tool to the user’s body in any other way, and from here the user’s body movements control the way the robot works, For example, the “artificial arm” as this quality compensates for what the user has lost and thus enhances his strength.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the robot

Robots are the new revolution in our digital world. Among the advantages of the robot are the following:

  • Increasing efficiency: Robots can perform the tasks required and programmed by them at a speed that exceeds the speed of humans, and they work with high accuracy without errors from the human element. If only two elements are manufactured from the human element, the corresponding number will be 50 or more elements by the robot.
  • Long working hours: Robots work continuously for months without interruption or maintenance, and they are more productive than humans, while humans cannot work for long periods, as their brains stop working if they do not get some rest and sleep.
  • Dangerous missions: Some missions represent a clear danger to humans, including some military and nuclear work, as well as dangerous space missions, so they guarantee accurate work and safety required inside production stations and others.
  • New jobs: With the development of the age of robots, some new jobs may be produced with it, in order to fix the problems of robots and modify their systems when necessary.

However, despite the advantages of robots, there are some disadvantages in using the robot , including the following:

  • Higher cost and continuous power supply: Robots consume a lot of energy to work without interruption, in addition to needing maintenance from time to time to maintain their quality, which requires a lot of cost.
  • Unemployment: Robots take many jobs that workers can do, replacing them and many lose their jobs.
  • Dangerous: Robots can pose a clear danger to humans when they are launched to work in wars. Indeed, some countries have taken this step and used robots in wars in various forms.


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